Thursday, January 9, 2014

Smart Thinking

What goes with a graduated shade violet skirt with a little ombre'd bronze at the bottom (and a matching cuff to boot!)? Green? Okay. Green.  Smart thinking I guess; purple and green go well together depending on the texture and saturation.  Of course I just go with bold and bold.  I am wearing a season's passed cable knit in a bit of an emerald shade with the satin skirt.  Gray - but textured!- tights and winter boots.  I had a tizzy of a morning, and Starbucks is my consolation; coffee and banana bread to the rescue!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Little Touches

I have a thing for black, white, and gray, with more black and white. I was inspired by my Alice+Olivia mug and wrestled through some tank tops (in the back-woods of my winter weather prepped closet) to find my tuxedo inspired one.  I threw it together with a black, white, and gray skirt, and chunky darker gray boyfriend cardigan and trusty black winter boots.  Since I was into one louder, brighter accent color, today I brought in smaller silver little touches.   The necklace is charm from a broken necklace; my first teeny tiny diamond from my grandmother who only likes quality items.  The ring is currently a favorite (from Charming Charlie's of course) of mine. Oh yes, and I brought in a kid-made art piece inspired by Mondrian (genius geometic Dutch painter) to brake up that sad and plain, blank wall.