Thursday, January 16, 2014

Pink Houndstooth

I might have a beverage addiction.  Usually I have water, black coffee, some caramel-concoction from Starbucks, and every other day a Naked Juice.  This is before afternoon tea with honey and any possible lunch fixes of soda (rare occasions only).  When someone pops in to talk, I usually start chugging away at a drink or two.  Maybe, I'm just beverage happy.  I digress.  I snagged this houndstooth pencil skirt over last weekend and was not sure what to pair it with.  I layered a red pinstripe button-up with a ruffly collar under a kelly green cotton sweater (collected from Old Navy of course) today and I love this combo.  Patterned tights with black booties for today's winter.  And I can't stop sneezing; is it the weather? allergies? a dreaded cold?  Maybe more tea is needed...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Orchid Spring

Apparently, Radiant Orchid and are were soul mates before it even became the "It" girl of 2014.  I felt a hankering for spring (hello gloomy flurry weather out there today, again) and have had this sequined sweater tank for ages.  Radiant Orchid top with a violet skirt, a chunky cream cardigan (also age-old), and one of my favorite Old Navy bangles are combined here.  I spent a little bit of time cleaning my office and have a corner empty space I'm not sure what to do with. Add art? Leave it empty?  I am kind of over boots- which is too early for our local winter- but I grabbed some cream and black flats that go with everything and their mom.  I also have a gifted pocket calendar to add to my space: today is Chi Chai Monchan's birthday if you're in the Hello Kitty know.