Friday, March 14, 2014

Fab Friend Friday (at the office)

Happy Friday!  Boy, have I been ready.  BUT. I am sharing someone else's office today; in a little thing I just nicknamed Fab Friend Friday (at the office) because just #FBF was not enough I created #FFF. I always take notice of the types of items people prop up in their offices and what they pin up and take pride in.  My friend Lindsay is a cheery person with some eclectic things (at the office).  The plant situation is still being worked out (there are no windows), so instead I snapped some pics of her magnetic word collection with procured-by-coworkers poetry, a friend's gift of postcards from previous travels, a Peanuts coffee mug (amen caffiene), and my favorite: the Broadway playbills printed on notecards.  Of course a friend post isn't complete without a selfie and a gorg Jcrew necklace!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Back to Gray

No sleep for me; this is what you get- I'm back to gray.  I don't know what's going on with my hair; it's a limited effort thing. I'm wearing an off-season Simply Vera by Vera Wang tee that is a shade of gray that has very light hints of violet undertones.  So I thought it may pair well with my silk skirt and purple cardi.  I added a few silver and purple accessories, but its kind of one of those things I'm not sure about for #ootd.  I'm trying not look too grumpy, and even have some new (but by oldschool R&B faves) tunes today along with coffee to keep me going.  I found another pack of titanium power tape discs, which sound really fancy, but work like those magnetic anti-nausea bracelets except for muscle fatigue.  Or sore wrists from sitting at a pc all day. Something like that.  And one more reason to be happy (at the office) is that my daisy plant bloomed again!