Monday, March 17, 2014

Green and Jade

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  I am wearing my green and jade together today.  I usually shy away from having coordinating accessories and colors, but today is an exception. My OldNavy v-neck emerald green sweater must be a hit because I've already seen 2 other people wearing it today!  I have mine layered over a coral tank, and paired with a black pencil skirt.  I have green eyeliner, a green flower ring, and a jade pendant necklace (that weighs a ton) on for extra special holiday effectiveness.  My fridge even has some Schlafly Irish Stout just to celebrate tonight, because everyone's Irish on St. Patrick's Day.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Fab Friend Friday (at the office)

Happy Friday!  Boy, have I been ready.  BUT. I am sharing someone else's office today; in a little thing I just nicknamed Fab Friend Friday (at the office) because just #FBF was not enough I created #FFF. I always take notice of the types of items people prop up in their offices and what they pin up and take pride in.  My friend Lindsay is a cheery person with some eclectic things (at the office).  The plant situation is still being worked out (there are no windows), so instead I snapped some pics of her magnetic word collection with procured-by-coworkers poetry, a friend's gift of postcards from previous travels, a Peanuts coffee mug (amen caffiene), and my favorite: the Broadway playbills printed on notecards.  Of course a friend post isn't complete without a selfie and a gorg Jcrew necklace!