Friday, January 17, 2014

Patterned Under the Weather

I'm a bit under the weather today, so I have had my Airborne concoction, Naked Juice, tea, coffee, and lots of water. My batteries really feel like they are running low, or could I blame winter yet again.  This cotton sweater has become one of my favorites: it's just thick enough to not be too thick for layering or not, it is non-itchy (hallelujah), and goes with Everything.  The satin skirt is perfect with thick striped tights because it's an A-line and has a few layers itself.  I think it's supposed to be more under-knee length, but I'm a hip-py girl so it hits just at the knee and looks happy with boots.  I laughed when I got a compliment on my necklace, because it's a thrifted $1 item that was broken.  A safety pin is the only thing holding it together! 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Pink Houndstooth

I might have a beverage addiction.  Usually I have water, black coffee, some caramel-concoction from Starbucks, and every other day a Naked Juice.  This is before afternoon tea with honey and any possible lunch fixes of soda (rare occasions only).  When someone pops in to talk, I usually start chugging away at a drink or two.  Maybe, I'm just beverage happy.  I digress.  I snagged this houndstooth pencil skirt over last weekend and was not sure what to pair it with.  I layered a red pinstripe button-up with a ruffly collar under a kelly green cotton sweater (collected from Old Navy of course) today and I love this combo.  Patterned tights with black booties for today's winter.  And I can't stop sneezing; is it the weather? allergies? a dreaded cold?  Maybe more tea is needed...